The latest issue of The Leither, number 141 to be exact, will be out and about soonest, bothering the very kind people who afford us a wee bit space in their businesses. We thank them for their continuing support.
Inside, you’ll meet three notorious controversialists; Ken Russell, Stanley Kubrick and Sam Peckinpah, Charles Bukowski’s ‘holy trinity’, and Sandy Campbell’s take on ‘a very Edinburgh riot’.
Gordon Munro writes about his granddad, who fished out of Newhaven, and the call for a local museum in the area, and Deidre Brock on the effects of the UK Government’s hostile environment policy on Edinburgh Festivals.
A lot of local folk got together to make a colourful and striking new banner for our own festival here in Leith. And we also review a newcomer to our neighbourhood, Heron Restaurant on Henderson Street.
Meet Gill Wallace, who, at the tender age of 16, graduated from Leith Nautical College and joined the Cairn Line in 1950, taking passage on the Cairnesk III, at Imperial Dock on 20th September 1950. Bound for the Canadian eastern seaboard with a cargo of engineering equipment, iron goods and bottled whisky.
We also thank the advertisers – who keep the good ship LEITHER in full seagoing order. And too, the people of Leith, who let us know (in no uncertain terms) whether we are doing our job, or are, frankly, rubbish.
Till next issue…
All good things,
Billy Gould