Another Leither hoves into view, No 146 in the series, and we make no apologies for Ukraine making its second appearance on the cover in three issues this time on the visa situation, Deidre Brock writes.
Ken Wilson gives us two pieces: A review of a book on “starchitects” such as Frank Gehry and a reminder of the brilliance of director Billy Wilder.
After our piece on the resurgence of Easter Road snd its environs a couple of issues back, we turn to Henderson St, reviewing 3 places.
Gordon Munro makes an impassioned plea for Leith Custom House suggesting ways out of the ongoing impasse and the inimitable Tim Bell chips in on the story that triggered Trainspotting.
Of course, as ever, there is much more to savour and, if like my partner, you read magazines from back to front, there is always a different perspective…
Yours in my Leith Gala day galoshes, Billy