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12 At the Shore.jpg

Issue 160

Cover Story

Engineering and Fabrication (VIII) linocut by Alastair Kinroy

Editor at Large

A captain & a rose


The hall has a nautical theme and the whole evening was inspirational

“It’s back – by public demand!”


Lawrence Lettice’s first memory of the Filmhouse came 50 years ago when it operated out of 3 Randolph Crescent

Sandy Campbell

I was inside Downing Street on the day the election was called


Sandy takes pleasure in climbing No 10s famous stairwell of former PMs, to find Liz Truss at the summit!

The Leith Glutton

Askr redux, Chancho & Ardfern


We tried some fried potatoes with bagna cauda (a garlic and anchovies dip from Piedmont)

Tim Bell

Below decks on the cruise liners


Wherever in the world you wear it, we say, you’ll feel the love from Scotland

Graham Ross

Jerry Dammers writing Free Nelson Mandela


I’ve thought long and hard about this, I see merit in both stances, but I’ve never sat on a fence…

Tracy Griffen

Diary of a Rusty Bucket


I tweeted all and sundry that Griffen Fitness would like to adopt a planter

A giant question mark


Kennedy Wilson makes a pilgrimage to the shrine dedicated to the Scottish sculptor, George Wyllie

Kate Smith asks 9 year old Skye how she would describe the eclipse and she says: “dark”…


I also wondered how it must have felt to witness an eclipse without knowing what it was

When summer was special…


During pre-technology days, the ‘summer special’ edition of a comic was contraband. ‘Oh, for those inky Luddite days!’, sighs Colin Montgomery

Four crazy-eyed former Prime Ministers


Douglas Ross’s decision to stand as the Conservative candidate for all 57 Scottish seats may have backfired

The Barest Trace


Golden sunlight suffused the valley below, glinting on the surface of the burn which flowed vigorously after a week of wet weather

A Sense of Belonging


Communities are the building blocks of society, says Gordon Young

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