Proud Galleries is set to show a stellar collection of early rock ‘n’ roll photographs shot by Lew Allen - then, incredibly, a schoolboy - in Cleveland and New York from 1956 to ’58, featuring a stellar group of early rock icons…
All pictures © Lew Allen at Proud Galleries London
Elvis Presley, Love at Cleveland Arena, Backstage, Cleveland, U.S.A. 23 November 1956.
This picture was chosen by Graceland for their commemorative poster celebrating the greatest Elvis photographers.
Bobby Darin, Hawkeye, Backstage.
The singer, musician and actor Bobby Darin Community War Memorial Theatre, excited about taking pictures of fellow performers on the first (or second) tour of his career.
The Hollywood Flames, Curtis Williams, David Ford, Clyde The Thin Man Tillis. America’s Greatest Teenage Recording Stars Bus Rochester U.S.A. 19 January 1958.
The R&B band were best known for their hit Buzz-Buzz-Buzz
Frankie Avalon, Signing Autographs, Backstage, Rochester U.S.A. 15 October 1958.
Teen idol Frankie Avalon signing autographs at the Community War Memorial Theatre in Rochester, he had thirty one charting U.S. Billboard singles from 1958 to late 1962
Buddy Holly, Rock Party Bus Tour, No. II, Rochester U.S.A,
19 January 1958.
Singer and songwriter Buddy Holly, in a pensive mood and wearing a duffel inside a tour bus outside the Auditorium Theatre.
Cover Story
Lew Allen is one of the last links to the birth of rock ‘n’ roll

Elvis Presley, Nick Adams, Elvis Enters, Cleveland, U.S.A.
23 November 1956.
Elvis Presley and Nick Adams, arriving for a press conference
Nick and Elvis met on the set of Love Me Tender.

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